Protecting your power tools from rust can sometimes feel like a full time job. Basements and garages is not an ideal place to keep your power tools because of its humidity There are simple stuffs that you can do to lessen your time cleaning your power tools .

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Newly purchased power tools are always covered with cosmoline a thick waxy protective coating to protect it from rust. Once it is in your shop, this coating must be removed and your cast iron top is no longer protected. Carpenter often strips the power tools of cosmoline , making them vulnerable to rust.

To protect cast iron surfaces, you must apply a coating that will keep the air and moisture away. The easiest and most effective method is to apply one of the commercially available rust preventative sprays. Two common brands are Empire Top Saver and Boeshield T-9.Both of these sprays are applied directly to the surface and then rubbed down to remove the excess. This step should be repeated periodically to keep a layer of protection on the tool.

Regardless of how safe we are able to keep our tools it is no guarantee that it will be protected from the rust . Furthermore, if left alone, the rust will only continue get worse.

This is the jointer that is not sprayed with any rust protection. The buildup of sawdust on the cast iron bed encouraged the formation of rust. In 2 years time this tool will be unserviceable.

In the earlier days people still use a steel wool to remove rust but how about the dust that is settled where the wool can't reach . Luckily there are products that can do the job for you.

Here comes Boeshield a rust remover that can make your chore a bit easier. This is the best rust removal that you can use on larger tools. Just spray , wait 1 minute and wipe.. If the rust persists, just apply again and use an abrasive such as steel wool or a synthetic abrasive pad to remove the remaining rust.

After following the steps using Rust Free, the jointer is now free of rust and is ready to have the rust preventative applied. There will be small rust pits on the tool that is the after effect of the rust formation . There is no way that a rust removal can repair a rust pit.

Most rust removal sprays contain some type of acid. These acids will dissolve rust very quickly and the metal very slowly. When using Rust Free or any other spray, be sure to wear safety goggles and gloves to avoid contact with eyes and skin.

Keeping your power tools rust free shouldn't be hard at all just follow the steps provided and you will be all set.